Through Emily's Eyes

Hey... I'm Emily. And this is my's pretty cool I guess.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No one can fathom the plans he holds

Favourite song of the moment: Little is Much - Downhere

"Little is much, when God's in it. And no one can fathom
the plans he holds. Little is much when God's in it, he's changing
the world with the seeds we sow. Little is much. "

So today was kind of a boring day. I had to write an in-class essay in English which I BARELY finished and my hand was cramped up like no other. Then I had to go and write a test in Travel, making my hand even more angry at me. After rushing to finish my Travel website at lunch and visiting Shelly, I find out my 3rd period is cancelled (again), booyah! So I went home, and had to walk all the way back in the rain. Anyways when I got home I made 7 bucks for babysitting for 45 minutes! And then I got myself some Starbucks, man I love me some starbucks...

Okay, so I love Matt Czuchry. He plays Logan in Gilmore Girls (which my the way I thought was halirious last night). He is the greatest, and I love him lol. "Maybe the parasite climbed into her brain and ate the part that loved you?" Here he is! ---->

Anyways, that's it for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say I too am in love with Matt... sucks about the cramp though :(!!!

We missed you at Terry Fox today though!! We actually spent most of the time looking for you! *hug*!

Love you darlin'!

October 13, 2006 12:08 AM  

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