Through Emily's Eyes

Hey... I'm Emily. And this is my's pretty cool I guess.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy, happy hairdoo!

Favourite song of the moment- The Sun and the Moon ~ By Mae

If there is one thing I hate, it's the waiting game. I have been waiting for the specialist doctor to call about an appointment for my foot for 2 weeks (a different one than the other guy, we had to switch cause this other guy would only help me for like another year). The other date was for November 20th. So my mom finally got fed up of waiting and called their office today. It turns out that they were just about to phone us today aaannnnnd, the date is next tuesday! 2 weeks earlier than the other one! I am so exctied, prayer works!

So last monday I got my hair cut and highlighted and I had a request for pictures, so here they are! (I had a little fun with the camera, what can I say... I was happy.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear about your appointment!!! :D:D prayer is amazing! I also love the pics. lol :o)

November 01, 2006 7:27 PM  

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