Through Emily's Eyes

Hey... I'm Emily. And this is my's pretty cool I guess.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Essay glaore

So I'm supposed to be writting my essay right now... but I'm not. Ha, and I decided it was about time for an update. My essay is on Ramses the "Great" and even though it is fascinating, I really am unmoitvated to write it. (even though I have to do basically the whole time tonight!)

So I have another poem here (I actually wrote this one first but was oin the process of tweaking it). Thanks to mikey and seana for commenting before. :)

Not Alone

Never mind the Curveballs, Hurdles, and Trials-
Forget the Anger, Pain, and Frustration-
Ignore the feelings of Silence, Alone, and Frightened-
Embrace the Wispers, Comfort,and Love-
Feel the Strength, Determination, and Power-
You, are not alone.

Meh, it's not the best, but I love the last 3 lines :D.

Nothing is really new in my life... I can;t wait till March Break lol. But that;s basically it.

