Through Emily's Eyes

Hey... I'm Emily. And this is my's pretty cool I guess.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy, happy hairdoo!

Favourite song of the moment- The Sun and the Moon ~ By Mae

If there is one thing I hate, it's the waiting game. I have been waiting for the specialist doctor to call about an appointment for my foot for 2 weeks (a different one than the other guy, we had to switch cause this other guy would only help me for like another year). The other date was for November 20th. So my mom finally got fed up of waiting and called their office today. It turns out that they were just about to phone us today aaannnnnd, the date is next tuesday! 2 weeks earlier than the other one! I am so exctied, prayer works!

So last monday I got my hair cut and highlighted and I had a request for pictures, so here they are! (I had a little fun with the camera, what can I say... I was happy.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I will Follow your Voice

Song of the moment: Downhere "I will follow your voice"

"I will follow your voice, I will follow your voice. I will trust your choice I will not fear. I will follow your voice, I will follow your voice. Not my will but yours will be done here."

Wow. Those are some pretty powerful words to me right now. I am pretty sure all of you know by know how I've been feeling recently. The colder the weather, the worse I feel... and winter is on a mad rush here. A lot of people don't understand... to wake up in the mornings and not be able to put on your socks does a heck of a lot of damage mentally and emotionally. And lately I have been hearing myself say "Why can't I just be perfectly normal? Why can't I be a regular teenager? Why me?". To have limitations on everything makes me feel trapped... and helpless. But I was listening to this song recently and it made me re-realize that this was God's choice. He holds my life in his hands, and it's all in his plan for me. I don't need to be scared about tomorrow, or worry about what could happen. I just need to follow God's voice. I know this is a testing period. I know that God hasn't turned his back on me. I know that this is His choice, not mine. I will follow his voice, I will trust his choice, I will not fear, it's not my will, but his.


So I got my hair cut and re-highlighted recently. It's quite short, but I like it. I've always been a fan of medium length hair, long hair is just too much of a hassle and I am l-a-z-y. It's all blond and pretty, I'll have to post a picture soon.

I have had a plethera of cancelled classes recently. Don't you love having teachers who play sports? Well Kawarth's and Cossa have been recently so quite a few classes have been cancelled. Law mostly, on Friday I had 2 classes cancelled and we watched movies in the other 2. It was a very nice day. (Off topic, but I just wrote this entire paragraph without looking at the keyboard! :)).

Gilmore Girls was amazing this week. Logan came back for the episode! It was sooo adorable. Plus Matt had a guest starring role in Veroncia Mars this week! He rocked it, as usual, but was an evil evil character! (Don;t worry Sara, I haven't forgotten about you. You'll get the past 2 episodes soon)

Well I am off to do English! Thanks for listening to be babble (again)
Love you all!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"let's waste time, chasing cars..."

Favourite song of the moment: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

"And if I lay here, and if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world? Forget what we're told, before we get too old, show me a garden that's bursting into life."

Such a gorgeous song! I've been listening to it non-stop for the past few days. So if you haven't heard it, downlaod it cause it's beautiful!

So I got the date for the day I am supposed to visit the rheumatoligist at SickKids. It's freaking November 20th! I understand that doctors are busy and everything, but my doctor told me that I need to see him right away, as quickly as possible. That isn't quickly! Sad :(. On the bright side, my aunt works at the hospital in Newmarket and there is a rheumatoligist in the hospital. She said she might be able to get me in sooner, and I sure hope so.

Completley random story, but in grade 7 I joined the knitting club and began to knit a scarf. I re-joined in grade 8 (hey it was for AAACS points, do not mock). Anyways a few days ago I found it in the closet downstairs. I made me laugh because here is an unfinished scarf I started in grade 7 (I am now in grade 11) sitting unfinished in the basement for 4-5 years! Haha, so I am in the process of knitting it again. It only took me 5 years to finish... *sigh*

Tonight is the best TV night ever. Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Unfortunatley I don't get the channel they are both on, so it's Gilmore Girls at 10, and downloading Veroncia Mars tomorrow (hopefully).

That's all for now, later!


P.S: Seana I am praying for you! Hopefully you are feeling better soon and the swelling in your jaw goes down!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No one can fathom the plans he holds

Favourite song of the moment: Little is Much - Downhere

"Little is much, when God's in it. And no one can fathom
the plans he holds. Little is much when God's in it, he's changing
the world with the seeds we sow. Little is much. "

So today was kind of a boring day. I had to write an in-class essay in English which I BARELY finished and my hand was cramped up like no other. Then I had to go and write a test in Travel, making my hand even more angry at me. After rushing to finish my Travel website at lunch and visiting Shelly, I find out my 3rd period is cancelled (again), booyah! So I went home, and had to walk all the way back in the rain. Anyways when I got home I made 7 bucks for babysitting for 45 minutes! And then I got myself some Starbucks, man I love me some starbucks...

Okay, so I love Matt Czuchry. He plays Logan in Gilmore Girls (which my the way I thought was halirious last night). He is the greatest, and I love him lol. "Maybe the parasite climbed into her brain and ate the part that loved you?" Here he is! ---->

Anyways, that's it for now.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Seana!

Okay so it's Seana's birthday and she's now 17!! Hurray Seana! Hope it's a great day and I hope you ate lots of turkey and cake this weekend! Love yahs!

Yesterday I had my thanksgiving dinner, and boy was it goood. Right now I am eating a leftover turkey sandwich while typing. Man, that's another thing I love about thanksgiving; leftovers. Who doesn't freakin love leftover thanksgiving? MM.... I have become pro at making the perfect turkey sandwich (which I wasn't allowed to make today cause we have to save the gravy for tonight, dang). Anyways It's still good. I have 3 types of turkey sandwiches :D lol.

Happy turkey weekend everyone!


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Testing, 123...

So here it is, I finally have my own real blogger. It took awhile, but I pulled one out. You can check out my other blog (combined with Seana-na) at

I posted this in my other blog but decided to copy it onto this one (becuase it is my personal one)...

[Anyways things have kinda been hard recently. I have been going for some tests (blood work, bone scan) to figure out what the heck was wrong with my ankle/foot/toe. Anyways in all my tests the same results showed. In my swollen ankle, I have arthritis. In my numb toe, I have arthritis. My blood work also told me that. It's wired, when people think arthritis, they automatically think older people. I know I never expected to get arthritus at 15. They call it juvenille arthritis... because I am so young. Anyways yesterday my doctor told me that it's called Rheumatoid arthritis. A not so good kind. And let me tell you, it is Pain-ful! My doctor gave me some pain killers that seem to work, so that's good. But sometime soon I need to go visit a specialist in Toronto...

Just knowing that I'm going to have this for the rest of my life it's so hard to grasp. I mean, am I ever going to be able to do the activities I love? Skiing, volleyball, rockclimbing?

However, I know God is in control. Everything has a purpose when it comes to his plans. I guess his plan for me was arthritis. So I am going to have to accept that. It makes me different, cause God made me special, and he hasn't turned his back on me at all. And hey, maybe after awhile, it wont be such a bad thing....]

A few days ago I probably had the worst moment of my life. When I got up in the morning, I couldn't put my socks on the pain in my fingers was that bad (side affects to rhuematoid is very sore fingers). I felt so completley helpless. It brought me down so much, I felt old. Old. If you guys could continue to pray for me, that would be great! I appreciate it guys...

On a happier note, tomorrow is turkey day! And I realized that even through all this pain, I have a lot to be thankful for. And instead of focusing on the bad this holiday weekend, I am going to focus everything on the good. Today, for example, I put everyhting behind me and went out for lunch with two of my good friends (Kelly and Brittany). While I may be having a hard time, there are so many more people out there experiencing worse. So I ask you, what are YOU thankful for?